Friday, July 18, 2008

Yeeps! My Blog Got An Award

Tena from My Therapy one of my two readers on this wacky blog, gave me a this lovely award. Thanks Tena! Tena's the mother of four kids, trapped in a middle-upper class 'hood where the Gap Mothers reign. YURK! Gap Mothers are not real. They never have spots on their impeccable clothes (more like Nordstrom Mothers to me) and in their insanely huge SUVs which guzzle $4.50 a gallon gas like the moms guzzle mojitos every night before dinner. You know the type~they seem all perfect and their kids are perfect and no one ever crosses that human Mom line. HA! Pseudomothers. Cuz us real moms love t-shirts 'n' sweats and darn if my pedicure doesn't need updating feet. :P

Tena a real mom stuck on the Twilight Zone. Send the woman props for surviving!!!
(swells of applause)


Deb said...

Hi! Now you have 3 readers! My name is Deb, and I was lucky enough to receive the award as well. Nice to "meet" you, and I'll check back daily!

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Auntie Celebrity Now?????????

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